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  • 👨‍💻 Personal Cyber Security CHECKLIST 👨‍💻  – THIRD part

Your cell phone and security?

  1. Set a PIN lock, ideally more than 4 characters, i.e. 6 characters. You can substitute a fingerprint, some prefer FACE ID (every man's opinion on whether it's secure enough)
  2. Set an automatic lock on negativity.
  3. Avoid PIN's like: your year of birth, description number, where you live, etc.
  4. Update both iOS and Android regularly.
  5. Turn off location tracking on any apps where you're not sure you really want it.
  6. Be aware that third-party apps can still record your location and that there are other methods of location than GPS (Transmitters, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.).
  7. Use a "firewall" to block internet connectivity for apps that shouldn't need it. For example, NetGuard (Android) or Lockdown (iOS).
  8. Today's penultimate tip not only for mobile but also for PC & MacOS: Warp by Cloudflare - an app that makes the Internet more secure.

Want to make sure your mobile or your business partner's mobile is really switched off? In the comments there is a link to a very nice "fusack" that will make it happen - FARADAY BAG.

Cloudflare WARP –
NetGuard – https://netguard.me/
Lockdown – https://apps.apple.com/in/app/lockdown-apps/id1469783711
Faraday bag – https://www.faradaybags.cz/faraday-bags/

#hackerprotect #cybersecurtiy #technology #cloud #hesla #passwords

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